Friday, February 1, 2013

Power Lines / First World Problems


We've had some strong winds here for the past few days and have been left without cable and Internet connection.  Since the house is set back in the woods, we have what are considered private telephone poles that hold power lines to my house.  Two of them fell because of the wind and cut off the cable and Internet.  We were told by the town that they are suppose to shut down our lines and cut us off from electricity but out of curtosy, they said they won't and for us to just keep away from the lines.  We now have to have the lines replaced and my dad is planning to have underground wiring done to avoid this in the future....all well and good but, we won't have cable and Internet for a week!  I know I sound lame for complaining about this but I just needed to vent....

Anyways, if I don't get back to any emails or I'm not on chat for the week, there's the reason.  And I dont want to risk being on the blog or email anywhere else....wrote this post on my cell and it was kind of a pain in the ass haha


  1. A week without internet is enough to drive anyone crazy. I seriously dunno what I'd do without it.
